Change A Previously Disadvantaged African Women's Life Today With Ubuntu

Teaching Previously disadvantaged African women

For as Little As R1 Per Day You Can Change A Previously Disadvantaged Women's Life

”I wish you all the best with the Ubuntu Touch project. I encourage your current and future partners in business and government to continue to support you in bringing the natural healing rhythms of Africa into the world.”

-Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu 

How The Ubuntu Trust Project Empowers Previously Disadvantaged African Women

 We Teach


The Ubuntu Trust Projects main directive is to empower previously disadvantaged women  by helping them develop skills that they can use to support them and their families. At the Ubuntu Trust Project we teach women from the Cape Town Townships how to use their hands to make a living. We teach cooking, massage, reflexology and reiki with a variety of styles and techniques.

We have Provided dozens of women so far with the tools they need to become wellness practitioners and spread the message of Ubuntu while also making themselves a living.

How Can You Help?

You can help one of these brilliant women regain their identity and give them the skills they need to become full time wellness practitioners! How can this be done? Well it can be for as little as R1 per day. What dose this mean? Well we match through our sponsorship program every penny you give us. This goes into their training program, providing them a stipends to live on, transportation and meals. 

Or you can shear 


Donate R1 Today

Sponsor one of these amazing women . With your help they can build themselves a better future fo themselves and their families.

Their Food

The women who participate in the program all come from households that live under the breadline. We provide our students with daily wholesome and healthy food everyday. We also provide medication for them.

Their Stipends

While they are undergoing the program our students need to live. They have families and while they are training they lack the skills for paid massage work. This is why we provide them a standard wage to live on while taking part in the program.

Their Training

While the Ubuntu Trust program has experienced teachers volunteering their time and energy into the students outside teachers still need to get paid. This is why your contributions are so necessary in their development.

Their Transportation

The majority of our students commute great distances to receive the training we give them. As part of the program we provide transportation for our students to make their travel more convinient.

What You Can Donate To

Previously Disadvantaged African Women

Train a Previously Disadvantaged African women

You can sponsor a previously disadvantaged women in one of our many upskill programs and change a life today! These women have the ability to make a change in their lives and with your help then can train.

Previously Disadvantaged African Women

Feed a Previously Disadvantaged African women

With our partners Love in A Bowl we are bringing wholesome food to these previously disadvantaged women and their families. For the low price of less then a coffee you can help feed a family.

Previously Disadvantaged African Women

Medicate a Previously Disadvantaged African women

One of the most renound homeopathic doctors in Africa we have developed an all round remedy to give to families to help balance their health for themsleves and their families.

Read More About Our Projects

The Ubuntu Wellness programs run on a modular basis, with one module of 3 units standards completed per month. The programs are CATHSSETTA accredited and aligned with the National Qualifications Framework (NQT), and combine an element of theory and practical competence: the candidates will need to complete both in order to achieve the full qualification. face to face interactions with the facilitator will assist the candidates to achieve the outcomes in a. comfortable, non-threatening way while getting individual attention. Practical internship placements vary from on- three months

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