We are here to empowering you to live your best life
Transform you health with a whole food plant based diet
We are a Level 2 Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Business Development SETA-Accredited Training facility
In short, ‘Ntu’ is a word which can be described as both an Afrikan philosophy and as a universal creative life force,which is found in all Afrikan ethnic societies in Afrika and in the Diaspora”
Most Western cultures understand the word to mean ”a human being” or the spirit of oneness and harmony among people and nature. The concept of Ntu emphasises solidarity and oneness amongst Africans.
This word is used in a lot of common everyday language across many cultures in Africa.
Ntu, Kuntu, Hantu, Buntu, Bantu, Muntu, Tu, Mtu, Motho, Mutum, Namdu, Utu, Du, Nho, Ni, Now
1. Umuntu/abantu – black Africans
2. Isintu – African traditions, spirituality, music, culture, architecture, cuisine, attire etc
3. Ubuntu – humanity/kindness
It is generally known that NTU is an African notion of being. This quality observed by many Africans as a unique manifestation of universal cosmic intelligence, or life force; that which is the essence of all things.
Way back, the Bantu people named themselves ‘Bantus’ or the human manifestation of the great Ntu. the manifestation of love, kindness and compassion is expressed through the word ‘Ubuntu’
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