This homeopathic formula is safe and harmless for everyone including children, pregnant mothers, and people on pharmaceutical drugs. It does not interfere with the action of chemical based drugs.
Suck 10 pills under the tongue, am + pm for 5 days – then 1 x weekly am + pm
After exposure or if you are experiencing signs of cold/flu symptoms – increase dose to 4 or 5 x per day until you feel better. Symptoms may include congested nose with sinus pains and headache, blocking up of ears, weakness, loss of smell and taste, sore throat or sneezing, chest pains, cough, and feeling unwell, we recommend that you contact your doctor.
A vial of BREATHE is designed to last up to three months per person and a family is recommended to purchase 2-3 bottles.
Pure homeopathic tinctures of: Bryonia 200c, Senega 200c, Antimony Tart 200c, Arsen Alb 30c, Cinchona Off. (Quinine) 30c, Eupatorium Perf 30c, Zinc Phos 12c, Ferr Phos 12c, Kali Mur 30c, Kali Bich 30c, Influenzinum 30c, Pneumococcus 30c, Hepar Sulph 30c.
Formulae Ingredients
Pure homeopathic tinctures of: Bryonia 200c, Senega 200c, Antimony Tart 200c, Arsen Alb 30c, Cinchona Off. (Quinine) 30c, Eupatorium Perf 30c, Zinc Phos 12c, Ferr Phos 12c, Kali Mur 30c, Kali Bich 30c, Influenzinum 30c, Pneumococcus 30c, Hepar Sulph 30c.
This homeopathic formula is safe and harmless for small children, pregnant mothers, and people on pharmaceutical drugs. It does not interfere with the action of chemical drugs.
Formula Rationale
Senega 200ch: Used for pneumonia mainly affecting the elderly. Prevents accumulation of thick, sticky mucus, which is difficult to cough up, and obstructs breathing. Aids effective respiration and oxygen uptake.
Bryonia 200ch: Counteracts fever with headache, dry, sore throat and general aching. Halts infections descending into lungs, causing pneumonia. Relieves, dry painful cough and inflamed lungs, causing pleura.
Antimony Tart 200ch: For weakness and difficulty breathing, and helps loosen mucus for expectoration. It is often used to relieve pneumonia.
Ipecac 200ch: Rectifies pneumogastric nerve disorders, producing relapsing bouts of nausea, diarrhea and difficulty breathing with loss of smell after fever.
Arsenicum Album 30ch:Â Remedy for asthma. Boosts immunity of lungs and increases oxygen uptake.
Cinchona Off. (Quinine) 30ch: Anti-malarial and blood builder. Helps allay fever and suffocating cough.
Eupatorium Perf 30ch: For chills, bone aching fever, headache, dry sore trachea, and hoarse cough.
Influenzinum 30ch: For prevention and treatment of viral influenzas
Kali Bich 15ch & Kali Mur 30ch: Loosen up mucus, and blood, relieving pulmonary congestion and reducing tendency for clotting.
Zincum Phos and Ferrum Phos 12ch: Boost the immune response of the lungs.
Hepar Sulph 15ch: Helps counteract bacterial infection of respiratory tract, clearing yellow or green mucus.
Artemisia Annua 12ch:Â Anti-malarial plant with immune stimulating properties.
DISCLAIMER – This formula does not claim to treat and cure any disease; its design and intention is to maximally assist the human defense system and immune response, to prevent and curtail viral infections. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use. This webpage is purely intended to promote and support the Ubuntu Trust NPO, is owned by the NPO with 100% of profits generated supporting the Trust.
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